Holiday Security & Fraud Alerts

We would like to remind everyone around this time of year to be on heightened alert, more vigilant, and cautious in the ways that we conduct financial transactions. During the holiday season many types of malicious campaigns tend to increase. From malicious websites and phishing campaigns to Point of Sale software, ATM skimmers, and counterfeit checks, all of which are on the rise. These holiday fraud and security risks are always to be cautioned for, but it is even more important this time of year.
So, what can we do?
- Setup Account Alerts
Setting up eAlerts for your account is a simple process that can help determine if you have been a victim of fraud. Login to Online Banking to setup email or text alerts to be notified about low balances, non-sufficient funds, large transactions, account logins, and more. - Use Digital Wallet & Tap to Pay Features
Point of sales machines become a target this time of year as it is a great source for a malicious actor to gain access to a lot of transactional information in one place. Using tools like Apple or Samsung Pay, and Tap to Pay, can reduce your risk of becoming the victim of a skimmer. (Be on the lookout for new ACU Tap to Pay cards coming soon!) - Use Multifactor Authentication (MFA)
Use MFA anywhere our technologies allow us to (both at work and in our personal lives), preferably using an authenticator application vs SMS or one-time-pin. - Ensure the Use of Official Websites
When shopping and ordering from reputable sources, verify that the website is secure before making any purchases and entering payment information. Lookout for deals that seem TOO good – fraudsters can create malicious websites impersonating real companies to gather your information. - Know Who You Are Communicating With
If in doubt it is okay to use another means of communication to verify the authenticity of who you are communicating with via email or instant messaging. This time of year, there comes a flood of phishing campaigns like extortion and malicious files containing malware and ransomware. Sometimes these campaigns can be very compelling and seem to pose legal or financial troubles, increasing the victim’s chance of falling for the campaign under heightened fears and holiday stress.
We cannot encourage enough the importance of taking the few extra minutes for setting up MFA, Cardless/Tap, Digital wallet payment technologies. These tools are more widely used than many expect – you may be surprised where it is supported. Digital wallets like “Apple Wallet and Google Wallet” can store multiple payment methods, event tickets, and much more. Using these technologies where supported is not only more secure, but they are also faster and provide a more seamless transactions experience.
If you notice suspicious activity on your account, or something doesn’t seem right, make sure to contact America’s Credit Union right away. We are available via call, or text, at 253-964-3113.
For more news, alerts, and holiday fraud and security tips on how to keep your accounts secured, visit our online Security Center:
ACU Security Center