Start Saving for the Holidays NOW with a Christmas Club Account!

Next holiday season, why not start saving early with an ACU Christmas Club Savings Account? Easy to open and manage, the Christmas Club offers a convenient way to set aside money each month to help you purchase gifts. By starting now, you can make sure that your holiday shopping won’t leave you broke come next January!
How does it work? Simple. Once opened, the account cannot be accessed until it matures in November, at which point it becomes available for your holiday shopping. It only takes a few minutes to set up and get started. You can decide how much money goes into the account each month, making it easy to budget for your holiday shopping without straining your finances. Plus, there are no monthly fees and a competitive interest rate, so the sooner you start saving, the more money you’ll have to spend on gifts come December.
Saving for the holidays doesn’t have to be stressful – make it part of your yearly planning routine today! Start small and make regular deposits into your savings account each month so that when Christmas rolls around again next year, you’ll have enough saved up to enjoy as much holiday cheer as ever while staying on top of your finances!
Click here to open a new Christmas Club Account with ACU
*APY=Annual Percentage Yield accurate as of 02/01/2023. Christmas Club APY = 2.75%. The terms applicable to your Deposit Accounts at ACU are provided in a separate Truth–in-Savings Disclosure. See Fee Schedule. Rates are subject to change. No minimum deposit required to open. Regular Share Savings with a minimum deposit of $25 is required for membership. Fees and penalties may reduce earnings. NCUA Insured.